Wang lordz, winging vs surfing as entry

Voyaging vs circles


Realities of foiling


  1. a new board will feel better than an old board, this due to the rigidity going in the old board more than anything else
  2. your prone abilities are limited by your surf abilities. You are unlikely to prone better than you can surf (generally speaking)
  3. a pro can make anything work and should be wary of basing your decisions on their decisions
  4. equally, mediocre riders have endless variety of dysfunctions, and anyone giving advice is probably unable to truly understand all the variables at play, and so is making a few jumps in logic to get to their opinion


  1. You can wing in more marginal conditions than you can windsurf/kitesurf, meaning you'll try wing in places with shitty wind and end up in the same position, waiting on the beach, stuck offshore and with a pile of expensive rapidly depreciating gear
  2. The wings are near disposable and seemingly magnitised towards stabs


  1. Downwind is incredibly sensitive to absolutely every variable, and getting ideal conditions to learn pretty much requires full commitment, and in some places it just won't be worth the effort.
  2. Logistics of downwind requires a traffic free road running parallel to the sea to really be worth the effort, and a crew of 3 who can drop everything to make it happen.